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Workers' Rights Task Force 

The next meeting of the Workers' Rights Task Force will be held: 

Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET
Place: Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, 1640 Lyndon Farm Court, #100
Louisville, Kentucky 40223


To sign up for this event, please email Miranda Brown at

Workers' Rights Task Force

The statewide legal services Workers' Rights Task Force will meet on:

Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT / 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. CDT

Register in advance: virtual meeting via Zoom

For more info:




June 9, 2022


3:00 pm    Welcome and introductions


3:10 pm    General Assembly go-around the Zoom


  • Saru Jayaraman of One Fair Wage will kick off the discussion by helping us understand the implications of Kentucky’s new tip pooling rule recently signed into law under an amendment to SB 180.

  • This is an opportunity for YOU to chime in about the impact of bills you supported and opposed in the General Assembly and to discuss strategy moving forward.


Come ready to share about bills and ideas that you are working on!


3:45 pm    Unemployment Insurance: A focus on equity and worker stakeholder engagement



4:50 pm    Litigation Update



  • Attorney Ryan Fenwick will share about a recent misclassification case.

5:00 pm    Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)

Previous Agenda


January 31, 2022


1:00 pm    Welcome and introductions


1:15 pm    General Assembly go-around the Zoom


  • Dustin Pugel of KyPolicy (Kentucky Center for Economic Policy) and Bill Londrigan of Kentucky State AFL-CIO will kick off discussion of the General Assembly, focusing on UI, HB 208 regarding Occupational Safety and Health standards, and other issues that affect workers. 

  • This is an opportunity for YOU to flag bills that you are supporting and opposing in the General Assembly and to discuss strategy.


Come ready to share about bills and ideas that you are working on!


2:00 pm    Panel: Messaging with a race/class lens


Carla Wallace, cofounder of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) and Louisville SURJ, will kick off a series of task force discussions featuring partner organizations sharing about how they are addressing race and class in messaging about worker rights issues. 


2:30 pm    Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)


Past Meetings


November 29, 2021


3:30 pm    Welcome and introductions


3:45 pm    Worker safety


Debbie Berkowitz, Practitioner Fellow at the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, Georgetown University, will discuss Kentucky OSH compliance issues and address questions related to the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard.


4:00 pm    Messaging with a race/class lens


Carla Wallace, cofounder of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) and Louisville SURJ, will address how framing our messaging with a race/class lens can build our base and strengthen our work. This will be the introduction to a series of task force sessions revisiting the race/class narrative in messaging.


4:10 pm    General Assembly go-around the Zoom


Come ready to share about bills and ideas that you are working on!


Bruce Maples of Forward Kentucky, will moderate preview and go-around to prepare for the 2022 General Assembly.


Dustin Pugel of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy and McKenzie Cantrell of Kentucky Equal Justice Center will update us on the Unemployment Insurance Reform Task Force. 


5:00 pm    Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)





September 20, 2021


3:30 pm     Welcome and Setting the Stage


3:35 pm     Policies in Motion: What do they mean for workers?


Paul Sonn, State Policy Program Director with the National Employment Law Project, will frame worker issues from safety to wages, including top Biden Administration policy initiatives, what states are doing, and what governors can do. 


Matt Jackson, Community Outreach Resource & Planning Specialist with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor, will share about what’s changing in he DOL, enforcement activities, and agency priorities.


Morgan Eaves, Director of Legislative Affairs with the Kentucky Labor Cabinet, will give updates on the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance, Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health, and Kentucky Division of Wages and Hours.


4:35 pm COVID Recovery: What’s ending in Unemployment?


Dustin Pugel of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy will update us on what is ending in Unemployment benefits, and the impact it is having and will have on people and the economy. 


4:40 pm Litigation and Other Updates

5:00 pm Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)




December 2, 2020


2:00 pm     Welcome and Setting the Stage


2:05 am     Unemployment Insurance Status Report


George Wentworth from the National Employment Law Project, has been tracking UI system performance and litigation throughout the country. George will share updates on litigation and legal strategies being used to resolve delays and ensure people get benefits in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and other states. 


Ben Carter of Kentucky Equal Justice Center will share recent developments in Kentucky UI, overpayment enforcement, and pending litigation. Rich Seckel of Kentucky Equal Justice Center will share the letter advocates sent to Governor Beshear and Secretary of the Labor Cabinet Larry Roberts - and the response.


2:20 pm     COVID Impact Update


Dustin Pugel of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy will deliver an update on federal COVID relief. 


We will hear updates on how grocery and meat packing workers are reckoning with COVID safety in the workplace.


2:35 pm     Workers’ Rights General Assembly Preview & Discussion


We invite everyone to participate in this discussion of legislative issues as the 2021 General Assembly looms. We’ll discuss our policy goals and potential defensive tasks in all areas that affect working Kentuckians. Some topics to anticipate:



3:20 pm     Announcements


We welcome everyone to share announcements and changes that your organization has made during the pandemic. 

3:30 pm     Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)





May 21, 2020


10:30 am     Welcome and Setting the Stage


10:35 am     Together Lawyers Can


Ben Carter of Kentucky Equal Justice Center will introduce Together Lawyers Can, a recruitment effort for volunteer attorneys for the expected increase in Unemployment Insurance hearings due to the pandemic.


10:40 am     Unemployment Insurance


Dustin Pugel of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy will describe key CARES Act and other new provisions on UI. Using KCEP’s interactive “Economic Fallout” tracking webpage, Dustin will give an update on UI claims in Kentucky and symptoms of problem areas in Kentucky claims processing. Cindy Millay of Legal Aid of the Bluegrass will discuss potential issues with claim denials.


11:00 am     Immigrant Worker Issues During COVID-19


Gretchen Hunt of the Backside Learning Center will share issues that have come up with BLC clients who are immigrant workers and will kick off group discussion of these issues, including worker safety, immigrant eligibility for benefits like Unemployment Insurance, and others.


11:20 am     Grocery and Meatpacking Workers


Caitlin Blair of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 227 will speak on issues facing grocery and meatpacking workers.


11:30 am     Worker Safety During COVID-19


Debbie Berkowitz of the National Employment Law Project will describe how OSHA is failing to set and enforce federal standards, kinds of protections needed in workplaces, and hot spots for industry and why. She will highlight how Kentucky OSH could enforce Governor Beshear’s Executive Order defining Life-Sustaining Businesses that can remain open and social distancing and hygiene requirements.


11:50 am     Topics for our Next Meeting


11:55 am     Announcements


We welcome everyone to share announcements and changes that your organization has made during the pandemic. 


12:00 pm     Adjourn (or Stick Around for Side Conversation)



December 16, 2019


10:00  Welcome and Introductions



We welcome all of you to the meeting and encourage you to network with representatives from allied organizations. 


10:15  Legislative Issues Roundtable Discussion


We invite everyone to participate in this discussion of legislative issues as the 2020 General Assembly looms. We’ll discuss our policy goals and potential defensive tasks in all areas that affect working Kentuckians. 


11:00  Messaging Workshop


KEJC Communications Coordinator, Allison Crawford, will lead a discussion on the workers’ rights messaging themes that KEJC and partners have developed. We’ll test them on you, the experts, before we test them online with the general public. Some messages are already going out--we will solicit your feedback and analysis on recent messaging and its responses.


11:45  Health Benefits for Low Income Workers: Update


From oral arguments in Stewart v. Azar to the election of a new Governor and legislative task force recommendations, a lot has happened with the future of healthcare and public benefits! We’ll receive brief updates from KEJC staff and others participating in the efforts to maintain important safety net programs. 


12:00  Lunch


Lunch is on us! Use this time to catch up with colleagues from around the state as we gear up for more discussion. 

12:30  Workplace Safety Updates


Over a year ago, journalists exposed Kentucky’s recent poor track record of worker injury and fatality investigations. Our task force previously brought in national experts and brainstormed responses. A new federal audit suggests the state is doing better. Has the situation really improved, and what’s on the horizon with a new administration?


  • David Stumbo from Eastern Kentucky University will lead our discussion. 

  • Debbie Berkowitz from National Employment Law Project will offer her assessment.


1:00  Greetings from Southern Migrant Legal Services


We’ll hear from Southern Migrant Legal Services about their services and efforts in Kentucky on worker safety, education and outreach and litigation. 


1:10  Employment Law Case Updates


All attendees are encouraged to update the group on interesting employment law cases that we should be following. We are especially looking forward to hearing from:


  • Ned Pillersdorf and Janet Stumbo from Eastern Kentucky. They, among others, have assisted the Blackjewel miners whose pay was withheld when the company filed for bankruptcy earlier this year. Many of us have followed this case in the news, so this perspective directly from attorney advocates should be particularly interesting. 


1:40  Announcements and Agency Updates


Holiday party? Lobby day during 2020 General Assembly? Upcoming conference or meeting? New initiative? Announce it here!


2:00  Adjourn



May 30, 2019  


11:00  Welcome and Introductions


11:15  Strategic, United Messaging for Workers’ Rights


Allison Dean Crawford, KEJC Communications Coordinator, will describe a new mini-grant to develop and test messages around worker’s rights and working families.  She’ll also discuss storytelling as a messaging tool.


Anastasia Christman, Worker Power Program Director, Michele Evermore, Senior Policy Analyst, and Debbie Berkowitz, Worker Health and Safety Program Director, of the National Employment Law Project, will help us understand the big picture of which messaging angles are proven to work the best in the field of workers’ rights.


With input and ideas for collaboration from attendees. Background:


NELP HART poll on subcontracting


12:00  Lunch


12:30  Now is the Time to Submit YOUR Federal Comments


McKenzie Cantrell, KEJC Employment Law Attorney, will present updates and opportunities on recent federal rule proposals:



1:00    Kentucky Equal Justice Roadshow


Updates on Defending Medicaid and SNAP for Working People


  • Ben Carter, Senior Litigation and Advocacy Counsel

  • Betsy Davis, Health Law Fellow


KY Equal Justice Radio


  • Beka Bruner, VISTA Outreach Specialist and radio co-host


1:15  Steps Forward on Worker Safety?


Updates and next steps on the KY Office of Safety and Health, worker’s compensation, and black lung benefits


  • Rich Seckel, Director, KEJC

  • Debbie Berkowitz, Worker Health and Safety Program Director, National Employment Law Project


1:30  Around the Room:  2019 General Assembly and Other Updates


We will use this session as a round robin to discuss updates and lessons learned from the 2019 General Assembly. Everyone is welcome to participate in this discussion.


Pregnant Workers Rights Act

  • Elizabeth Gedmark, A Better Balance (invited)


Arbitration, SB 7

  • Ben Carter, KEJC


Unemployment Insurance Litigation: Changes to UI Hearings

  • Robyn Smith, Abney Law Office


2:15  Announcements


2:30  Adjourn



January 31, 2019


10:00 Welcome and Introductions


  • Overview of General Assembly

  • Workers' Rights Bills of Concern and Interest

  • Community Partner Perspective


Find our Bill Tracking Chart here!


December 17, 2018


11:00 Welcome and Introductions


11:15 Threats to Workers Safety and How to Push Back

  • Protecting Worker Safety: Debbie Berkowitz, National Employment Law Project, will present on the nation-wide threats to workers’ compensation and where Kentucky fits in this national context.

  • Responding to Black Lung Benefit Cuts in Kentucky: Representative Angie Hatton, sponsor of BR 163, and Evan Smith, Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center

  • Professional Perspectives on the Investigative Reporting into KY Office of Safety and Health: Larry Roberts, former Secretary of the Labor Cabinet


12:15 Lunch


12:30 Kentucky Supreme Court Review

  • McKenzie Cantrell, Kentucky Equal Justice Center, will lead updates and discussion on recent decisions on Right to Workand Arbitration.


12:45 Heads Up: Issues for 2019

  • Unemployment Insurance: Michele Evermore, National Employment Law Project, and Rich Seckel, Kentucky Equal Justice Center

  • State of Working Kentucky 2018 Report: Dustin Pugel, Kentucky Center for Economic Policy

  • Attack on Working People Through Public Benefits Programs: Jason Dunn, Kentucky Voices for Health

  • Pregnant Workers' Rights Act: Elizabeth Gedmark, A Better Balance


1:45 Around the Room: The 2019 General Assembly

  • We will use this session as a round robin to discuss what may be ahead during the 2019 General Assembly. Everyone is welcome to participate in this discussion.


2:15 Announcements

  • 2019 Task Force Meeting Dates


2:30 Adjourn



© 2025 by Kentucky Equal Justice Center

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